EMR system is a medical software designed to mange the medical history, patient record and prescription information digitally. The system aims at converting the manual process of medical records management into digital one. The process involves a number of steps and is time consuming when handled manually. With the advancement in information technology EMR systems providing multiple functions have been introduced by various global health IT companies.
An EMR system helps in streamlining the overall process of patient records management. The system provides for various features for the smooth handling of record management. A typical EMR system would include features such as coding assistance, work-flow management, electronic prescriptions, custom templates, and specialty specific HPI, complaints, ROS, billing, scheduling and much more.
An EMR system could be of great help and support for a medical professional. The system provides for entering in-depth patient information, quick processing and access to patient medical history (medical/clinical records) at any point of time during emergencies. The system is not only helpful to the medical professionals and facilities but patients are equally benefited as the system ensures proper recording, processing, information safety, quality service and minimization of errors.
The implementation of an EMR system whether by an individual healthcare professional or medical facility, ensures speeding up the overall process. It helps in achieving better concentration and dedication towards the core medical service rather than spending time on tedious record management process. The man hours saved results into better return on investment and increase in revenue.