Electronic version of patient medical records is called EMR. It helps easy management, retrieval, processing and analysis. The success of EMR implementation depends on many factors. However, the process starts with the selection of right EMR for the practice. In order to select a right EMR one must have knowledge as regards the standard features a system must possess.
Standard EMR systems in the market are typically equipped with the following functions:
Patient Demographics
Visit/encounter notes
Patient medications/prescriptions
Presenting complaint
Physical exam/review of symptoms
Past medical history
Problem lists
Procedure/operative notes
Laboratory results
Drug interaction warnings
Radiology/imaging results
Consult/reports from specialists
Referrals to specialists
Drug reference information
Immunization tracking
Drug formularies
Clinical guidelines and protocols
Integration with practice billing system
Claims Processing
At first, a physician practice... planning to implement an EMR system must evaluate the requriements of the practice, so that a right EMR can be implemented.
Selection of a right EMR is the first step in the successful implementation of the practice. Nice post on EMR implementation best practices.