
Thursday, January 20, 2011

EMR System, Medical Record Systems

EMR system is a medical software designed to mange the medical history, patient record and prescription information digitally. The system aims at converting the manual process of medical records management into digital one. The process involves a number of steps and is time consuming when handled manually. With the advancement in information technology EMR systems providing multiple functions have been introduced by various global health IT companies.

An EMR system helps in streamlining the overall process of patient records management. The system provides for various features for the smooth handling of record management. A typical EMR system would include features such as coding assistance, work-flow management, electronic prescriptions, custom templates, and specialty specific HPI, complaints, ROS, billing, scheduling and much more.

An EMR system could be of great help and support for a medical professional. The system provides for entering in-depth patient information, quick processing and access to patient medical history (medical/clinical records) at any point of time during emergencies. The system is not only helpful to the medical professionals and facilities but patients are equally benefited as the system ensures proper recording, processing, information safety, quality service and minimization of errors.

The implementation of an EMR system whether by an individual healthcare professional or medical facility, ensures speeding up the overall process. It helps in achieving better concentration and dedication towards the core medical service rather than spending time on tedious record management process. The man hours saved results into better return on investment and increase in revenue.

Healthcare Management Systems in Modern Healthcare

Healthcare management systems play a vital role in modern healthcare management. Practically there is no field that which is not influenced by information technology including the healthcare industry. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that information technology has taken the world by storm. As we are aware that the advantages are huge – easy input, faster processing, better analytic data & minimization of errors.

Healthcare industry is a complex field it involves a number of stages in overall medical treatment management. The different stages such as appointment fixing, patient examination, patient history recording, clinical tests, treatment and reimbursement involve a complex process to be followed. Here, comes the role of healthcare management systems.

Healthcare management systems play a very important role in streamlining the overall process of healthcare management. The tasks can be accomplished with minimal efforts and with high accuracy. The input data can be processed at a blazing speed and a variation of reports can be generated which otherwise would take huge man hours. Practically speaking, there are certain reports that can not be manually generated due to requirement of huge man hours and complex process.

The impact of healthcare management systems can be noticed from the very fact that American Recovery & Reinvestment Act passed by the federal government in the year 2009 provided for $19.2 billion for modernizing the health care system. The total focus was on promoting and expanding the adoption of health information technology. The IT systems developed for the healthcare industry includes integrated systems, specialized systems like emr, claims management and so on. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Importance of Health Insurance & IT in Maintaining Good Health

Having health insurance is of utmost importance in maintaining good health and life. How often we have heard the proverb – health is wealth? A number of times right from our childhood… we don’t even remember nor can we count the exact reference of this proverb. In fact, good health ensures good state of mind and good physical conditions which are required to carry out our day to day tasks smoothly. However, in absence of good health our personal as well as our professional life gets disturbed. We are not even able to perform our day to day general as well as professional tasks, which ultimately affects our performance and earnings. For this reason it is said that “health is wealth”. KU6R23E44HM4

Good health can not be maintained without healthy lifestyle. However, following a healthy lifestyle can minimize the risk of exposure to various ailments but it can not completely eliminate it from our life. What if we fall sick? Though a necessity, medical expenses are going up every year. Medical treatment is becoming a luxury for those who can not afford it. Under such circumstances health insurance can prove to be of great help. There are medical facilities where one can get medical treatment without paying on the basis of their insurance coverage. In case, when such a facility is not available one can divert funds or arrange for as they have coverage to get re-reimbursement.  

Many people argue that the process of getting cashless medical treatment or reimbursement of medical expenses is a very tedious process. It is true that the process is not so simple but at least one has some support in case of emergencies. Also, with proper information about the provisions of insurance policy, procedures and contact points, one can minimize the hurdles faced during the process of availing benefit from the insurance policy. If we go with certain studies, it is estimated that lack of coverage was associated with about 18,000 extra deaths per year among uninsured adults. Hence, importance of health insurance can not be denied.

The importance of IT (information technology) in healthcare issues can not be denied. Advanced IT systems play a crucial role in diagnosis, treatment, practice management, claims management and so on. IT has found its roots in each n every field and healthcare industry is no exception to the rule.

Tags: Health Insurance | Healthcare Management | EMR | Practice Management