
Friday, June 24, 2011

Online Prescription - The Many Benefits

Its been never easy getting the illness treated - fixing an appointment with the doctor, getting a prescription and then visiting the corner side drug store. Information technology has found its place in each and every facet of our life and healthcare industry can not be an exception to the rule. Healthcare management solutions like online prescriptions (eprescribing) is gaining momentum across healthcare professionals, online pharmacies and of course with the patients. 

The online prescription solutions helps both healthcare professionals as well as patients. For sure the healthcare professionals are able to cater to the needs of a large no. of patients irrespective of their location. It saves a lot of time for them as well and also record keeping becomes easy as compared to the conventional system of consultation. Patients are able to get timely medication as there is no need for them to wait day for the appointment. They can get the prescription right from their home or any place and from any proven healthcare professional.
Online prescription (or eprescribing) is considered to be gaining tremendous response from physicians, online pharmacies as well as patients. The trend is catching up... for the many benefits it delivers... !

Practice Management System For Improved Productivity

A physicians clinic is not only confined to treating patients but it starts with the initial process of appointment scheduling, patient registration and recording detailed illness history. The process is very tedious and time consuming... for physicians who maintain the records on their own it consumes the major protion of their time resources.

An efficient practice management system can make life easy for physicians. A fully functional system is capable of delivering a host of benefits to the user. At first, it provides with the necessary appointment scheduling module that makes it very easy to maintain patient appointments. The interoperability feature allows the system to function effectively with the emr system so that the patient record management tasks can be digitized. 

In short, a fully functional practice management system is capable of delivering a large no. of advantages that can help the practice to streamline the overall back end processes with an improvement in the productivity of the practice.

Preparing To Implement An EMR

Preparing to imeplement an EMR ?

If yes... need a pre-planning for successful implementation. Digitization of patient records could be of great help and support to the physicians. It could save great amount of time and cost that which is spent in managing the records. Above all the ultimate benefits are improved patient safety and care. The digitization helps to record the information in detail, accurate and timely availability.

Though EMR systems are considered to be a boon for the healthcare industry, the successful implementation by an large depends on pre-planning. There are a large number of EMR's available in the market today, however, not all EMRs at par with industry requriements. The physician desirous to implement needs to make a checklist as to the requirements of the practice as well as the availability of features with various emr systems. 

The EMR system has to be simple, complete (fully functional) and hipaa compliant. The vendor must also provide with the necessary training and after sales support. Once assured... the system can be implemented for better productivity and quality of service.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Electronic Medical Records: Unleash The Power Of Digital Technology

Patient records play a very important role in the process of diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. The age old practice of manually recording the patient details now seems to be creating a lot of difficulties for the physicians / hospitals. The rising pressure on the healthcare industry is one of the main reasons, however, introduction of advanced digital technology is giving a new lease of life to the healthcare industry in the form of healthcare management systems like electronic medical records

The digitization of patient records with the help of electronic medical records system is coupled with numerous advantages as against the convention method of patient record management. The system ensures detailed patient information, accuracy and centralization of data that would ultimately benefit the practice with more time resources in hand, cost advantage and above all detailed - error free records available at any point of time from any where.

Healthcare Management Solutions: A Revolution In The Healthcare Industry

US health care system is one of the best health care systems in the world, however, there is tremendous pressure on the system basically because of rising population, stress and fast paced day - day life. Till date, the industry used to depend entirely on the skills of health care professionals and was reluctant in implementing information technology solutions. Of course, we can not deny the importance of skilled health care professionals, however, the rising pressure has started affecting the quality of patient service and ultimately ROI.

It is the time now to implement healthcare management solutions to replace the age old methods of managing the practice. There is always a yes / no to anything that which is introduced in the market and healthcare industry is not an exception to the rule. Healthcare management solutions can benefit both physicians (hospitals) as well as patients to a great extent. Physicians would be able to save time and money in managing the pracitce and the end result would benefit the patients with better quality of service.