
Saturday, August 27, 2011

EMR Integration

Healthcare IT solutions like EMR is changing the way doctors used to manage patient records. The process of going paperless is considered to be beneficial to both doctors as well as patients. Truly speaking, the long term benefits are huge for the practice as well as patients. The biggest difficulty or drawback of manual process of maintaining patient records is non-access to patient medical records at times when patients move on to some other physician for treatment. However, the situation is changing due to advanced emr systems that provide digitization of records, central storage and integration. 

Integration of EMR system plays a very important role. The interoperability feature helps the emr system to get connected with other healthcare it solutions like claims processing system, practice management system, billing system and so on. This gives great power and flexibility to the emr system, it is the integration feature that makes emr system a wonderful piece of software that would benefit both doctors as well as patients.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Certified EMR - For Stimulus Package and Meaningful Use

EMR applications are all set to storm the healthcare industry. It has become an indespendable part of a physicians professional life. It serves numberous advantages, however, the selection of a right emr software is not an easy task. Often clinics and hospitals are confused between different vendors, different versions and certified and uncertified softwares. Truly speaking, choosing a right emr application is the first step in the implementation of emr application. 

For sure before implementing the emr application one has to look for the features as required by the practice. A very important aspect of emr application being its certification. It is must to implement a emr application that which is certified to avail the stimulus package announced by the US government. Also, such an application is considered to be developed in lines with HIPAA and industry requirements. It is believed that a certified emr application would help the practice to achieve meaningful use, which is a must requirement for meaningful use as well as long term benefits.

Monday, August 22, 2011

EMR Software - What To Consider?

Managing the healthcare practice is very complex in nature and at the top of that physicians are also burdened with the daunting task of managing the patient records. It is believed that physicians and their clinic staff spend maximum time in handling the patient records and other papers. Valuable time is spent in back end operations, which otherwise could be utilized in providing more quantity and better quality of patient service. Here, comes the role of healthcare it solutions like EMR Software (Electronic Medical Records).

Now, a very important question as to what one should consider when looking for an emr software for the practice? There are many vendors providing different versions of software for the practice and hospitals. This often creates a situation of confustion, truly speaking not all electronic medical softwares are alike and may not necessarily benefit the practice. In fact, a practice has to carefully analyze the requirements of the practice and then accordingly look for a certified software that would meet their requirements.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Medicare Eligibility Manager

Medicare is a public health program administered by the US "Dept. of health and human services". The program provides for hospital care, medical and prescription insurance for Americans over the age of 65. As soon as a person avails the benefit under medicare program, he or she is required to put across the claim. The first step starts with verifying the eligibility.

The manual process is time consuming and often results into errors, however, technology solutions like roster manager is making life easier for both doctors as well as patients. The roster manager provides with the capability of online verification. It also helps to manage roster data from different health plans. It takes any format from health plan and allows to put edits on eligibility when verifying by physicians.

Online Patient Scheduling - Promoting Flawless Medical Management

The healthcare industry is under tremendous pressure for want of quantity and quality of service. In this situation smart healthcare management is very important to ease out the burden. Healthcare IT solutions are giving a new lease of life to both doctors as well as patients. There is so much to manage when it comes to the healthcare industry. If we just talk about one of the functions like patient scheduling; doctors are often burdened with the task of managing the appointments. 

Online patient scheduling solutions are helping both doctors as well as patients. Here doctors are relieved of the burden of managing the appointments and patients are also relieved of time constraints. They are able to look into the available slots online and to fix up the appointments. This saves lot of time and confusions at both the ends. It wouldn't be wrong to say that healthcare it solutions like online patient scheduling are promoting flawless medical management.

Online Scheduler - Automating Your Appointments

Appointment scheduling is a tedious task; a time consuming process. Doctors often spend a lot of time looking into their available slots, scheduling patients and managing the over all patient appointments. Introduction of healthcare it solutions like online scheduler software is making life easier for both doctors as well as patients. Online Scheduler eliminates the need of being available on the phone for appointments and eligibility checks.

Online scheduler provides patients with the capability to view the availability of their physician and schedule their own appointment online by selecting an available time slot. This service helps physicians and receptionists to spend more time taking care of patients and delivering quality treatment.

How Beneficial Is Certified EMR?

EMR is a gift of advanced IT technology and considered to be a boon for the healthcare industry. However, the benefits from the implementation would come if and only if a right emr system is choosen for the practice. There are hundreds of vendors providing emr solution for physicians as well as hospitals. Not all emr's are of required standard and here comes the difficulty. An emr must provide with the basic as well as certain advanced features. It should also meet the reqirements of the practice and above all should comply with HIPAA guidelines. 

It becomes really very difficult for a healthcare professional or a hospital setup to look into all these guidelines and requirements. A certified emr ensures that the system is equipped with standard features as well as it complies with HIPAA guidelines. This makes it easy for healthcare professionals in deciding up on the system for the practice. A certified emr would be helpful, however, it is dvisable that a healthcare professional also makes a list of requriements that would best suit his or her practice.

Meaning Use EMR, Stage 1

"Meaningful use of emr" is an important condition to avail the benefits of incentive program or the stimulus package announced by US government. Meaningful use emr sets responsibility on the part of healthcare professionals as regards its usability. Truly speaking, without meaningful use of emr system, a practice can not derive the ultimate benefits of the system. The long term benefits would come if and only if the system is used with the motive of its "meaningful use". 

The meaningful use emr program is divided into three stages, each defining different standards of the "meaningful use" of an EMR system and making different rules. As far as the stage 1 is concerned the applicants must fulfill twenty out of twenty-five objectives in order to qualify for incentives. Meaningful Use Stage 1 began in 2011 and will likely run through 2012.

Technology Helping Claims Reimbursement

Claims reimbursement is not an easy task, it involves a step ladder process. Often the papers are sent back for correction or at times the claims also get rejected. Even if claims are reimbursed it takes weeks for the patient to receive the payment. However, healthcare it solutions like claims processing system are helping doctors as well as patients with the daunting task of claims reimbursement. 

A standard claims procesisng system is equipped with features that help to check the eligibility on real time basis. It also provides with readily available treatment and service codes, thus, eliminating the risk of error in coding. One click submission and status update are other important features offered by the new age technology. This way technolgy is helping to cut down the time spent with reimbursement and also to cut down the cost of processing.

Practice Management System - Explore The Options

A practice management system is a new age tool for physicians. It is a software tool that promises to automate the practice. A physician has to go through a number of basic tasks - appointment scheduling, patient record creation, diagnosis / treatment papers, claims submission and so on. The process is very tedious and time consuming in nature. Often, doctors and their clinic staff spend maximum time in managing the patient - doctor - patient life cycle. The manual process is not only time consuming but is also subjected to a no. of errors and negligence. 

A fully-functional practice management system ensures to make life easier for physicians by automating all the functions of the practice. It takes care of the entire lifecycle and provides with unmatched benefits to both doctors as well as patients. It helps to add to the productivity on a large scale, brings about improvement in patient quality service, and in the end better revenues for the practice.

Is Free EMR Software Worthful?

Today, EMR software have become a must have for clinics and hospitals. Even the US government has made it compulsory for the physicians treating medicare and medicaid patients. Truly speaking, the advantages of a successful implementation of emr are huge. The software promises to make life easier for both doctors as well as patients. However, there are a no. of hurdles in the process of emr implementation and one such being high initial investment.

There are many vendors offering different versions of emr software including free emrs available for installation. However, one needs to be very careful as far as choosing emr is concerned. The first step in the process of implementation starts with choosing the right emr for the practice. A free emr is a basic emr which only serves as an electronic filing cabinet and does not provide for any additional benefits. Also there are doubts that a free emr would comply with HIPAA guidelines. Also there is hardly any support available after installation, which is very much required to adapt to the newer system. Hence, the question "Is Free EMR Software Worthful?" is worth thinking 10 times.

Roster Manager - For Realtime Claims Eligibilty Verification

Roster manager is an important component of any claims processing system. It provides with real time claims eligibility verification. This features helps to manage roster data from various health plans. A standard roster manager is also capable of taking any format from health plan and to provide with the capability of putting edits on eligibility. The roster manager feature could be of great help and support to the healthcare professionals. 

There are hundreds of vendors providing claims processing systems, however, not all CMS are equally capable. Many don't even refer to roster manager at all, hence, in order to leverage the ultimate benefits of technology it is very important to select a claims processing system that is equipped with advanced features like roster manager.

Healthcare Management - How Good Is Your Strategy?

Healthcare industry is very complex in nature with so much to manage all around. Added to this is the tremendous pressure on the industry for more quantity of service. Sqeezing margins due to the rising costs; all these and many more factors are causing great difficulty in the management of healthcare practice (or hospital setups). Here comes the question as to "how good is your healthcare management strategy"?

Smart healthcare management is the need of the hour, which emphasizes on making the best use of advanced healthcare it solutions like electronic medical records (emr), practice management system, claims processing system and more. Information technology is delivering its unmatched advantages to each and every industry, however, till date healthcare industry has made least out of IT. Now it is the time for the healthcare industry to realize the power of technology and make the best use of it. The productivity, quality of service, and revenues of a healthcare setup would ultimately depend on their "healthcare management strategy".

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Electronic Medical Records and Privacy Concerns

Electronic medical record systems are all set to transform the healthcare industry. The US government is keen on converting the clinic and hospitals into paperless process. However, there are certain hurdles in the implementation of emr and one such being "privacy concerns". Doctors feel that as the patient records are stored centrally, they can be accessed by any one and from anywhere. This might create difficulties in the long run... and may not ultimately benefit the practice.

There are always positive and negative sides of innovation, however, we need to understand as to which side is heavier. Looking into wide spread advantages of electronic medical records, the issue of pravicy seems to be manageable. More over, standard emr systems are intelligent piece of softwares that have in built capabilities of handling data theft and other security issues. Also, HIPAA has been designing a number of policies as regards the access of patient data. This ensures that a careful implementation would not harm the practice and instead would benefit the practice in the long run. 

Choosing The Right EMR Solution

The first step in the successful implementation of EMR is choosing the right EMR for your practice. There are hundreds of vendors each providing different emr options. Truly speaking, not all emr solutions are alike, they differ in capabilities. Above all each practice his its own requirements or modus operandi, hence, not every emr solution would fit into the requirements of a specific practice. Implementation of a solution that which does not go with the working process of a practice would result into lot of confusions and delays. Instead of saving time and money such a solution would result into more spendings. 

EMR could prove to be a boon, if and only if right emr solution is choosen for the practice. Every practice has to comply with certain standard process, however, they also have their own way of working. As they are used to it for years, it really becomes very difficult to switch to a newer system all of a sudden. Here comes the need for customization. There are many vendors that offer customization in their existing emr system; they make changes in their system as per the requirements of a specific practice. This helps the practice to easily adapt to automation and unleash the ultimate advantages of technology.