
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

EMR Development and Its Standardization

The trend of EMR implementation is catching up owing to the unmatched advantages it can deliver for the practice as well as patients. Implementing EMR system can help save time and money, making clerical work and physical therapy practices better for both PTs and patients. However, the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) industry has to understand that better usability yields more adoption. According to industry experts usability can be improved to a great extent with the standardization in EMR development.

There are different vendors offering different versions of EMR. Each vendor providing different layout, features and so on. With hundreds of different specialties requiring different types of tests and workflows, at times, it becomes very difficult for the practice to decide upon a right EMR for their clinic.

Certification of EMR to some extent ensures availability of standard features, however, more efforts are required as regards standardization of layout, features and other functionality in EMR.

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